Friday, August 31, 2007

Pathetic and Powerless: The State of the American Church

The farther along we go in America, the father down the hole we as a nation fall. We are on the brink of becoming the next iron curtain nation, and most Americans are oblivious to it. We are already under a partial socialist system of government, and to proponents of this type of system are pushing harder than ever to fully implement this type of governmental system. A system that will doom and enslave the majority of Americans, locking them into a prison of starvation and misery like they have never seen before in their lifetimes.

No longer will Americans be able to speak freely, nor will they be able to worship freely. In fact,only those churches that comply with the government’s requirements will be allowed to remain open. We see this today in Canada where hate crimes laws have already been passed that are aimed at silencing the Christian voice, and influence throughout society, especially in the area where the subject of homosexuality is involved.

How did American society get this to this point? Where the very fabric of our society, marriage,and the family are under full-scale attack by extremists whose goal is to enact extreme social control over the nation.These communists are dead serious about overrunning our present form of government, and replacing it with the new age socialists system, and they are willing to stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.

What I want to know is, what is the church really doing to stop this from happening?

First of all, most so-called Christians in America are lost in their own lives, consumed by a atmosphere of entertainment and pleasure, and way too comfortable! Most go to church for the free show, churches have become spiritual entertainment centers with lots of music, multimedia,These things in themselves are not wrong, but become a big problem when they replace sound Biblical teaching, and serious prayer among the people.

The truth is that most churchgoers in the United States could care less about those who are lost and on their way to Hell. The truth is that if someone claims to be a Christian, yet has absolutely no concern for the lost, they themselves are not saved.Thus, the problem in the church today is the lack of zeal, true passion for God, and the total lack of spiritual power.Most Christians have the appearance of Christianity, but lack real spiritual power in their lives.

This is why we are loosing America today, Christians are apathetic, and do not desire the deeper things of God. They do not spend time on their knees in fervent prayer, most are content with token prayers that last a moment or two, and are nothing but vain repetitions that God does not even hear. The church is all but helpless to defend itself against its enemies because of the state it is in, the only weapon it has is political involvement, and the voting booth itself.Christian ought to involve themselves in politics, and should vote their faith and values in the voting booth, but that not enough for the long term.

We as Christians must fall on our faces before God in repentance, and we must start burning the midnight oil in prayer, seeking a deeper relationship with God, begging for his power to be manifested in our lives. The church in America needs to be shaken up so that the wheat can be separated from chaff, so that Christians will wake up and begin to take things seriously. This is the only way can be saved from being destroyed from within its own borders,and the only way our children will have a decent future.

Never forget that Judgment begins in the House of God, and it will start with those who are in positions of authority within our churches. Then the rest will be shaken, so that we might be
fruitful, and so that we might see the last great awaking take place before the rapture occurs.

Prayer is the key to revival in America, and it is the where the believer receives power from God. As Christians find the power they have been missing all this time, the church will experience success in penetrating society with the life changing Gospel again.

The enemies of the faith will stand powerless as their evil agendas utterly fall apart before their very eyes.

Fall on your knees and start praying!


Why I Protest the Church

I just cant stand it anymore, including myself!

The Evangelical church in America is way too comfortable!

Drunk as a Skunk on Convenience!

and most of all, the Average so-called Christian doesn't give a dang about the lost, or if they do they are way to use to inaction to do much about it.

After all it's the job of the Pastors, Teachers, and other church staff to do the witnessing right?


It is every believers job to witness, reach out to the lost with the message of the Gospel, EVERY BELIEVER!!

Statistics tell us that a large number to Church going, well meaning Christians in America aren't really saved, thats right! Our churches are loaded with false converts, this explains the lack of love and concern for the lost!

Charles Spurgeon, who said the words, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that."

Did you get that? Did you really get that??
Did you put on Christ for the Correct Reason?

Or because some clod told you a big fat lie that Jesus would make your quality of life on this earth so much better, but that is NOT the truth. You prayed, you accepted Christ, did you come by repentance first?

Look! We are loosing this culture more and more all the time, we have almost nothing else to loose accept our personal liberty as Americans, and those freedoms are being taken from as more and more all the time.

My pet peave is that the majority of church going Christians don't pray fervently, they don't seriously seek God, they aren't willing to make the necessary sacrifices, so they just continue being dead fish Christians.

Enough is Enough!!

So I thought that if I e-protested them, I might be able to piss a few of them off enough to wake them up.

You see! For years the church has been dumbed down by forces inside and outside of her, many local churches have given way to the seducing spirits of this dark and evil world. They have become diluted by the whims of society, gone the way of the world, thrown out the truth of God's Word, and replaced it with mans word.

Feel good messages about how God is all about love and goodness, and there is no hell, and a loving and good God could not throw anyone into an awful place like that. Preachers are preaching weak sermons, they are not preaching the law of God, nor calling sinners to repentance. They are not training and equipping their congregations in the fine art of Spiritual Warfare, and so as the church goes, so goes the nation!

What a sad commentary of the state of the church in America!
America is in such sad shape because of Christians!!

This is why I chose to protest the church!!
Will you join me!