Wednesday, February 18, 2015

False Fire v.s. Real Fire

God spoke to me today about a very important subject that is going to make a whole lot of Church-goers angry. The Holy Spirit spoke in His still small voice and said to me write about this -"False Fire", the false manufactured excitement in place of an actual move of the Spirit of God. Mainly, because the Spirit of God is not present, and working in many local Churches today. They lack the Power of God while having the appearance of being Christian. 

They serve in their communities, reaching out to the lost, they may even see a few Salvation's over time, but still there is an overall apathy among the people because their hearts are divided between the things of this world, and the things of God. They don't read their Bibles, they don't pray as they ought too, and then they wonder why they never hear from God.   

Speaking of False Fire, I came across a common practice in many Charismatic/Pentecostal Churches where they hold classes too teach people how to speak in tongues. Excuse me, but if the gift of tongues is truly a gift from the Holy Spirit of God, why in the world would anyone have to take a class to learn how to speak in tongues?  I'll tell you why? False Fire!

If the Spirit of God was really moving as they believe He is, these people would automatically begin to speak in another known language, but because they can't always count on God to come through and produce this when they desire it too happen, they will teach you how to form the syllables, and put them together properly, so you can speak in tongues, and appear to be as Holy as every one else they have taught to do the same thing.

Talk about Holy Smoke and Mirrors!

If we took a hard enough look the Charismatics and Pentecostals are as spiritually apathetic as their tamer counterparts in the mainline Evangelical Churches are.  Ask the average Church member when the last time they shared their faith with someone outside of their Church? Or When was they last time to led someone to Christ?  The answer will not be a good one, in fact most Evangelicals and Protestants have never witnessed to an unbeliever, nor led anyone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in their entire lives.

OH but they have spoken in tongues! They have been baptized in the Holy Ghost! They believe they are going to Heaven someday, yet have never obeyed God's Word to preach the Gospel to the lost, let alone ever gone out and stood in front of an abortion clinic and tried to save the life of a pre-born child, and save the mothers from becoming murderers in the site of God. 

The Bibles declares that obedience is better than sacrifice.  We are eager to make a sacrifice of worship and praise to God, but too share our faith with a neighbor, or a co-worker? Christians today are afraid of what other people will think of us if we tell them that we are Christians, and share the Gospel with them. Are we afraid to offend people? 

Wouldn't it be much better to have offended someone in order to share Christ with them, and call them to repentance before God, rather than never confront them with the truth, and someday watch as they are tossed into the fires of God's anger and wrath?

Do we not realize that we are responsible for rebuking and reproofing others who are sinning? If we do not do so, their blood will be on our hands on the day of judgement. In other words, we will be held responsible to their eternal demise. This is not a pretty picture!

I've seen many Churches where the leadership must constantly devise new ways to keep people pumped up, and excited about Church, so they will keep coming week after week.  Again this is because the majority of the Churches in America lack the true Power of God moving and working in them. This may be because they Pastor does not spend enough time in prayer himself, or is just so busy he does not have time to slow down long enough too develop a true hunger for God himself.

We know that many Church-goers are lazy and apathetic when it comes to the true spiritual things of God. There seems too be a lack of true hunger and thirst for God amongst many Christians, and this is issue. The Pastors are cowards who won't speak out about certain issues that they ought to be addressing from their pulpits (hell, judgment, sin,  The Churches are full of spiritually powerless people being led by spiritually powerless preachers too afraid to preach the truth for fear of losing their jobs, their pensions, etc.

What we need in our Churches in America is the people to wake up spiritually, get a hunger for God, allow God to break their hearts for what breaks His, so they will begin to beg God to send them true revival.  
Revival begins in the heart of a single believer, or small group of believers who are willing to step out in faith, allow God to prune them, and break them so that they become extremely sensitive to the voice of the Spirit of God, and are ready to embrace His move. 

We need to quench the false fire, and allow the real fire of the Spirit of God to come manifest itself in our lives, and watch it spill out into the local Churches, and revival breaks out! Quit creating false excitement in the Church and start cultivating the real fire of God. Bring back the Power of God into the Churches that we might reap a harvest in these very last days.

Revival is a wild fire that spreads like a forest fire, consuming everything it's path, as the wind of the spirit blows it in the direction God wants it too go. Revival is not a bunch of people running around and screaming in weird tongues, dancing, shouting, barking like dogs, etc. Revival is God's people who have been broken, on theirs faces before God in all humility, begging God to move in their midst. Dear Lord Send us Revival! 

Revival requires us too have desperation of heart and soul, we must have a spiritual hunger for God and His Word, spending time in prayer, talking with God, being intimate with Him in a honest relationship, day by day.  Just as a man who has been walking through the hot dry desert longs for a drink of cool clear water, so we should long for a drink of the Spirit of God. 

Hungering and Thirsting for God and His Righteousness is the state that every Christian should be in, but sadly very few are. Is this what God meant when he said "and few there be that find it"?  We know that few actually seek after him, and this leads me too believe that the possibility exists that the larger portion of the Church may be unsaved, the religiously lost with a false sense of security. 

That would be just like Satan to trick masses of well meaning Church people into believing they are going to Heaven, when they are actually going to Hell. If we remain content with false fire in our lives, and in our Churches, we will never see a move of God in this nation again.

Let us examine ourselves to be sure that we are truly in the faith, and that we are pure in heart before God, with no known sin on our conscious. Let us request of the Lord that he prune from our lives the dead branches that are choking out the work of His Spirit, so that we start to produce good healthy fruit for His Kingdom.    

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