How about abortion?
Obama who would be King?
The Sex-Trade (Slavery/Porn)?
Hollywood's Filthy TV Shows & Movies?
Rampaging Black's destroying other peoples property?
Occupy Wall Street / Entitlement Mentality
etc? etc? etc?
Do these things at least concern you, if not make you angry?
We've all heard of the slippery slope our nation was headed down, and most Christian tucked their heads in the sand while society went straight to Hell, almost literally. Our nations moral values that once held society in tact are now eroded to the point where the underpinnings, or foundation is crumbling beneath our very feet.
The Scripture warns us in Psalms 11:3 "If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?"
If the moral and spiritual foundation upon which our nation was founded are destroyed, what remedy do we have? If the salt and light of the Church loses all of it's flavor, and light of the Gospel is snuffed out, what are we going to do?
Evil is our society is running rampant because too many professing Christians have not taken a public stand for righteousness, and so evil has succeeded in entrenching itself so deep, that it seems we have no way to counter it, so most Christians do what they have done for most of the last century which is too huddle in their safe little Christian circles, and wait for the rapture to take them away.
This is not what God wanted of his Church! We are too be salting the culture with Biblical Truth and Righteousness. We are too be witnessing to the lost, sharing the truth in love, and leading them to Christ. Every follower of Jesus is in fact an evangelist, who is given the charge to preach the Gospel, and win souls, but sadly enough only a small fraction of Christians every share their faith with anyone in their entire lifetimes.
The same small amount of active followers of Jesus are the same ones the speak out against unrighteousness, confront evil in society, and get the brunt of the persecution for their stand, why the rest of the Church is cozy and comfy in their air-conditioned, Christianized country-clubs, drinking lattes while listening to a feel-good message, then leaving the same as when they arrived. Many Churches in America have the appearance of being Bible-Preaching Churches, but lack the spiritual power that comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit actively moving in their midst.
I am not saying all Churches must change and become Charismatic, or Pentecostal. I am saying that we need to be truly Biblical in every way, not just in word, but deed also. Our nation is drawing it's last breath of freedom, as the enemies of America are pulling the plastic bag of socialism over the head & face of lady liberty. Are you waking up yet? You must stand and fight in the power of God against the demonic manifestations that are taking us down, further every day.
The Church must rise, and by that I mean in the Power of the Holy Spirit against all ungodliness in this nation. By rising I mean humbling ourselves before God, asking him to cleanse our hearts, and our hands, that we might be pure before him, and able to be mightily used by Him. Failure to humble ourselves now will result in Christians in this nation being persecuted as we can't even imagine, not unlike our brothers and sisters in Communist China, or some other nation that is hostile to the Gospel.
If you think that it cannot happen here you better reconsider your opinion, because it can and will happen here, unless the Lord sees fit to come and take away his Bride, but then again 50% of you that fill the pews week too week are not truly born-again. If you have no desire to reach the lost, study God's Word, Pray in the Power of the Spirit, you better examine yourself to see if your really saved or not.
Those of you who are saved better grow a pair in a hurry because crunch time has arrived, and all Hell is breaking loose in this nation while the luke-warm faithful continue to sleep in the light. Come our from your dead Christianity and obey the Word of God! Come out from your daily routine of having daily devotions, and getting little from it, if anything! Reading God's Word and agreeing with what it says, then not acting upon it is sinful in itself.
It's time for the Church to change, it's time for the Church to Grow Some Spiritual Balls!
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