Sunday, July 4, 2021

A Secret Weapon to Save a Nation from Destruction

Not only has the Christian Church lost the culture we've lost the entire nation and we have become the targets of the aggressive socialist left who want to erase every vestige of Christianity and transform America into a socialist nation.

The Government is amassing power and centralizing it because the Pulpits are literally weak and powerless.  There is no other way to save America, we must turn back to what our founders intended and never give up our God-given rights.  

It is recorded in history that George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and others relied on the Sovereign hand of God Almighty and they appealed unto Heaven above for guidance. If our leaders had not trusted in the sovereign hand of God America would have fallen long ago.  

If we are to maintain our liberty we must follow in the footsteps of those men who not in their own strength alone but in the strength of God fought to secure and defend liberty.    

I fear that apathy has gripped the hearts and minds of many Americans and that many no longer trust in the Eternal, Sovereign Lord but have become weak and impotent spiritually to the point that they no longer wish to fight to defend their own lives and the lives of others.

There is NO political movement or politician, or political party that can save us from the destruction that is looming over our heads this very day.  Only the Sovereign hand of the Almighty holds the key to our victory and it is He we must appeal to as our founders did.  

Liberty is worth defending and the cost to secure and maintain it is great but worth every drop of sweat and blood it takes to protect it.  However, the war we must fight will not be fought with the sword but with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. 

The invisible weapon God has given us is the power of prayer, a weapon the enemies will never see coming because it is a spiritual weapon mightier than all the weapons of men.  Prayer and speaking up against evil are essential to winning this war to save America.

America is going down to defeat from the inside as the Church stands by as a crowd of spectators bewildered by what they see taking place before their eyes. They think that there is nothing that can be done to stop the downward spiral but there is a remedy to this descent into Hell it is of the spiritual not the temporal.

I invite my fellow Americans to turn from apathy to that of a heart of repentance unto the God of our forefathers.  We must turn back to God now our liberty is hanging in the balance.  Humble yourselves, Pray and Seek God, turn from your own wicked ways, and God will hear each one of us and bring salvation to our land.  

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