Today many Churches are teaching much theology and doctrine but ignoring the most important message, the message of repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ. Too many Churches no longer preach the Gospel or give invitations to accept Christ. The people know of God and Jesus but do not have the inner knowledge of Christ because they have never come to a place where they were faced with their own lost condition, and therefore, have never been found (saved).
There is no doubt that this is the great falling away from the faith that is prophesied in 2 Thes. 1-3. Yes, a great apsostasy has taken place where men no longer are taught that they must come to a definitive moment in time where realize they are lost and need God.
Many have tons of head knowledge but no relationship with God that they live on a daily basis. They now believe that Salvation is something that you soak up over time but that is a false teaching that leads to False Converts. It is very possible that many who fill the pews on any given Sunday morning are in fact religiously lost individuals, and only a few are truly saved.
What is being taught is knowing about God, and Jesus and doing good works like acts of social justice instead of being taught how to witness to others and lead them to Christ. Churches have become social clubs where the chosen fellowship, sing some cool songs and hear a watered down message that makes them feel good about themselves.
There is little if any personal brokenness over sin or spiritual conviction among believers today. Therefore, there is no true confession of sin or repentance in the lives of those who claim to believe. NO moment in time where they are faced with the knowledge of sin.
No moment in time where they humble themselves before God and confess the Lord Jesus Christ and that he came in the flesh and NO moment in time where they receive by faith the greatest gift ever offered to mankind, the free gift of Salvation in Jesus Christ.
What some Churches and Pastors are teaching is shameful and not Biblical.
Repentance, having a change of heart and a change of mind, and turning one's back on sin to follow Jesus Christ is what should follow the preaching of the good news of Jesus (Mark 1:15), and Jesus was not joking when he said "You must be born-again" (John 3:3).
Romans 10:9-10 - " And if you will confess with your mouth our Lord Yeshua, and you will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall have life. By believing you receive God's approval, and by declaring your faith you are saved." (Aramaic Bible in Plain English).
There is NO substitute for the truth NO other way to be saved!
Every Pastor should be very concerned about the spiritual well-being of those under his pastorate and should be ever mindful of the fact that there are those sitting there who are still not saved. Let us get back to teaching the simple Gospel of Jesus so that men might be saved and have new life in Christ.
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