In 1973, The murder of the pre-born was made legal by the Supreme Court, and in 2015 the same High Court legalized marriage for sodomites. In 2004, a man named Barrack H. Obama was elected as President of the United States, and again in 2008 he was re-elected. How are theses things possible in a land that claims to be a Christian Nation regardless of what it's leaders say? Just what kind of Christianity allows this much evil to gain this much power over the society when 80% of its population claim to be Christian?
Something is terribly wrong here is America, and with so much evil abounding in our culture it becomes very difficult to isolate the source of the problem, except it's become very clear to me through God's Word that the Church is the one responsible for this mess. Oh, did I just offend you, or make you mad by speaking the truth? There is another part of the problem today, even Church people don't want to hear the truth, they just want a nice Bible lesson on Sunday morning before they hit the Old Country Buffett, and commit the sin of gluttony.
In case you forgot what Gluttony is, it's as much a sin as homosexuality is, it is over-stuffing yourself with food, and I am just as guilty as the rest of you are of this particular sin. Let's not forget about the sin of pride that comes before a fall, and how about greed? America has a lot more greedy people in it than it does homosexuals, guaranteed.
I dare to say that the majority of the American Church is nothing more than a religious country club for the luke-warm believers to congregate, or a place for liberals to fool themselves into thinking that believing in God, and sitting in a Church building once a week will get them into Heaven. All of these people are fooling themselves into a false sense of eternal security. If they do not repent, if they are not truly born-again, they will not enter the Kingdom of God, for their names are not found written in the Lambs Book of Life.
Only a fraction of the visible Church is actually the true Church. A small remnant of believers who obey God's Word after hearing it preached. The ones who call the rest out of their comfort zone, call the Churched and the un-Churched alike to repent of their sin, and to be saved. They stand on street corners preaching the Gospel to the lost. They stand in front of abortion clinics pleading with men and woman not to kill their babies. They Volunteer at the missions, food trucks, minister to the homeless, they prayer walk areas where there has been violence, and they stand up against evil.
They share the Gospel everywhere they go, with anyone who will talk with them. They have a burning desire to reach those who are lost without Christ, and are headed for Hell. While the bulk of professing Christians is playing it safe at home, at work, at the ball field, etc. These people not only risk injury to themselves for the sake of the Gospel, they go out of their way reaching those in need of the Savior.
I realize that is our modern society that life moves faster than we do, and trying to keep up is futile at best. I also realize that we need to change our priorities to be that of God's priorities. Jesus said that if we loved him we would obey his commands. Can we honestly say that we have been obedient His commands? I realize that playing ball on a team can be a positive experience for kids and good exercise for them, but teaching them the Word of God, and how to put it into action is much more important.
I wonder if the Church has any Salt and Light left in it at all? Are Christians just hanging out waiting for the Rapture to take place? I wonder exactly how many of Americas Church-goers will be actually taken up to meet the Lord in the Air? Think about this that 80% plus of Evangelical Christian has never shared their faith with anyone or led anyone to the Lord. Yet they were all ordered by Christ himself to go out and preach the Gospel, and to make disciples.
Exactly how can Christians do this when they are hold up inside their homes, or Church buildings? Sinners are not going to come to us, we must go to them. We must be creative when we evangelize the lost, the culture has changed, and the way people communicate has dramatically changed. What may have worked in the 70's does not work in 2015. The style of music has changed, even in the Church, and people are visually orientated these days, and so we use multi-media as a tool to minister to them.
Music, Dance, Art, Multimedia, and other art forms can be used to communicate Jesus Christ to the culture. Our Churches must change or they will become irrelevant, and die. In a day where some local Churches have been hemorrhaging young people, the Church must double down in their efforts to reach the younger generations, and reclaim them for Jesus Christ.
It's time for the Church to be the Church it was called to be in the first place. Persecution is not coming, it's here now! The true followers of Jesus will be divided from the false ones now as the heat is now on, and the refiner's fires are burning ever brighter. Will you stand joyfully and endure to the end, or will you fall away and go with the crowd to do evil?
Now we will see the truth!
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God is sickened by westernized Christianity, and those who claim to know him not living according to his Word. Therefore, It's time to Protest the Church!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The State of the American Church 2015 - Part 1
Most American Church-goers will refer to themselves as Christians, and profess faith in Jesus Christ, yet only two percent of them ever share their faith with anyone, and one in professing Christians murder their children by abortion. Yet I would bet that all of them believe they are going to Heaven because they believe in God and Jesus.
A large percentage of them are not truly born-again as they think they are, and the Church is to blame. Why? Because they have not truly repented, and departed from their sin. Most modern day Christian look, act, and talk just like the rest of the world, and there is no real difference between them except that they go to Church once or twice a week.
A person who has departed from their sin, or have separated from evil, should live as though they have separated from evil (wickedness). The world should see a radical difference when they look at the Church, but what they see is a whole lot of hypocrisy coming from those who claim to know Christ. Therefore, the American Church has lost an incredible amount of credibility, and society views the Christianity as something bad that needs to be wiped out.
A section of the Church is trying to reclaim as much of the culture as they possibly can while the other parts of the Church ridicule, and demean them for trying. Another section is just lukewarm and spiritually dead, and I don't know if it's even possible to revive them or not. The Church in America is on life support, drawing its last breath. as its salt and light is pretty much done for.
The Church preached a false gospel message, a modernized gospel that has produced countless numbers of false converts, which in turn have filled the pews of many evangelical Churches. Preaching a message that Jesus Christ will bring joy and happiness into your life is a false message. Becoming a true follower of Jesus means trials and tribulations, persecution and the loss of people who once claimed to be your friend, now have become your adversaries.
Following Jesus in America has meant affluence, luxury, the pursuit of the American dream. All these things distracted Christians from doing the work God called them to do. Attending Church here is easy enough, and, for the most part, safe, while in other parts of the world they may be slaughtered at any moment for naming the name of Jesus Christ.
We've had it so nice and comfy but now things are starting to heat up, and we soon we will start seeing a separation occur between the false converts and the real ones. Persecution is the great divider as those who are false converts will become disillusioned, and embittered concerning Christianity, and walk away from the faith. This is because they were promised joy, peace, happiness, and fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and what they got was the opposite.
In other places around the globe accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the same as signing your death warrant, and as we have all seen this past year, they go to their deaths like sheep to the slaughter. All down through history those who named the name of Christ were paraded into Roman coliseums to be eaten alive by hungry lions. Impaled, crucified, burned to death at the stake, beheaded, etc. Their sacrifice, however, did not pave the way for us to become lukewarm, and spiritually dead, but to use every method we can get our hands on to spread the Gospel throughout the entire earth.
Exactly what terrible fate have we in North American suffered for the cause of Christ?
Truthfully, American Christians don't have a clue about what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Sure most go to Church religiously, pray regularly, and read their Bibles, but seem to lack true obedience the Word of God. The failure to evangelize the lost has now caught up with the Church and is about to backfire in its face. The younger generation is all but hostile to Church, Christianity, and the Gospel, and it's the Churches fault for failing to change its methodology to meet the culture, without compromising its message.
Jesus said that every follower of His must first deny himself, that means to die to self, pick up their cross, whatever God has given them to do in life, and follow him (Jesus Christ). I am afraid however that most professing Christian have not even scratched the surface of what it means to die to self and carry their cross. Without the first two points, it is impossible to truly follow Jesus Christ.
The modern Church whether traditional or contemporary are both in the same boat, however, there is a remnant of True Biblical Christianity that has managed to do the Word of the Lord, and not listen to it week to week. There are some great preachers out there that are not afraid to stomp of some toes, to say what needs to be said, and lead believers to obey God, and live our their faith.
David Platt, John Piper, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, and my own Pastor Gary Petersen. All of these men preach with the Power of the Holy Spirit, and make me think about my walk with God, and cause me to search to be sure I am in the faith. They teach me, train me, and challenge me to do what the Word of God says to do and to live a Grace-filled life.
Preachers need to tell people the truth, that accepting Christ will make your life worse that it was before, in the sense that the Devil will now come against you with everything he has to mess you up, and you need to be well grounded in God's Word to stand against him. Following Jesus might even cost you your life on this earth, but He promises a greater life in the hereafter.
We have a duty to share the Gospel with the lost, and to do it often. We must engage this lost culture even if it means we incur injury or even death. If the Church had not fallen into such apostasy and preached such a watered down Gospel, we would have abolished abortion long ago, and gay marriage would not be such an issue today. Those within the Church would have truly departed from their iniquities, and the true Chruch would be much larger than it is today.
Matt 7:21-27 - It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, and in your name have cast out demons, and have done many mighty works in your name?' 23And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.' 24Everyone therefore who hears these my words, and does them, will be likened to the wise man who built his house on solid rock. 25And the rain descended and the floods came and the wind blew, and they rushed against the house and it did not fall, for its foundation was laid on solid rock. 26And everyone who hears these my words, but does not practice them, will be likened to the foolish man who built his house on sand. 27And the rain descended and the floods came, and the wind blew, and they rushed against that house, and it fell, and its fall was great."
A large percentage of them are not truly born-again as they think they are, and the Church is to blame. Why? Because they have not truly repented, and departed from their sin. Most modern day Christian look, act, and talk just like the rest of the world, and there is no real difference between them except that they go to Church once or twice a week.
A person who has departed from their sin, or have separated from evil, should live as though they have separated from evil (wickedness). The world should see a radical difference when they look at the Church, but what they see is a whole lot of hypocrisy coming from those who claim to know Christ. Therefore, the American Church has lost an incredible amount of credibility, and society views the Christianity as something bad that needs to be wiped out.
A section of the Church is trying to reclaim as much of the culture as they possibly can while the other parts of the Church ridicule, and demean them for trying. Another section is just lukewarm and spiritually dead, and I don't know if it's even possible to revive them or not. The Church in America is on life support, drawing its last breath. as its salt and light is pretty much done for.
The Church preached a false gospel message, a modernized gospel that has produced countless numbers of false converts, which in turn have filled the pews of many evangelical Churches. Preaching a message that Jesus Christ will bring joy and happiness into your life is a false message. Becoming a true follower of Jesus means trials and tribulations, persecution and the loss of people who once claimed to be your friend, now have become your adversaries.
Following Jesus in America has meant affluence, luxury, the pursuit of the American dream. All these things distracted Christians from doing the work God called them to do. Attending Church here is easy enough, and, for the most part, safe, while in other parts of the world they may be slaughtered at any moment for naming the name of Jesus Christ.
We've had it so nice and comfy but now things are starting to heat up, and we soon we will start seeing a separation occur between the false converts and the real ones. Persecution is the great divider as those who are false converts will become disillusioned, and embittered concerning Christianity, and walk away from the faith. This is because they were promised joy, peace, happiness, and fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and what they got was the opposite.
In other places around the globe accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the same as signing your death warrant, and as we have all seen this past year, they go to their deaths like sheep to the slaughter. All down through history those who named the name of Christ were paraded into Roman coliseums to be eaten alive by hungry lions. Impaled, crucified, burned to death at the stake, beheaded, etc. Their sacrifice, however, did not pave the way for us to become lukewarm, and spiritually dead, but to use every method we can get our hands on to spread the Gospel throughout the entire earth.
Exactly what terrible fate have we in North American suffered for the cause of Christ?
Truthfully, American Christians don't have a clue about what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Sure most go to Church religiously, pray regularly, and read their Bibles, but seem to lack true obedience the Word of God. The failure to evangelize the lost has now caught up with the Church and is about to backfire in its face. The younger generation is all but hostile to Church, Christianity, and the Gospel, and it's the Churches fault for failing to change its methodology to meet the culture, without compromising its message.
Jesus said that every follower of His must first deny himself, that means to die to self, pick up their cross, whatever God has given them to do in life, and follow him (Jesus Christ). I am afraid however that most professing Christian have not even scratched the surface of what it means to die to self and carry their cross. Without the first two points, it is impossible to truly follow Jesus Christ.
The modern Church whether traditional or contemporary are both in the same boat, however, there is a remnant of True Biblical Christianity that has managed to do the Word of the Lord, and not listen to it week to week. There are some great preachers out there that are not afraid to stomp of some toes, to say what needs to be said, and lead believers to obey God, and live our their faith.
David Platt, John Piper, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, and my own Pastor Gary Petersen. All of these men preach with the Power of the Holy Spirit, and make me think about my walk with God, and cause me to search to be sure I am in the faith. They teach me, train me, and challenge me to do what the Word of God says to do and to live a Grace-filled life.
Preachers need to tell people the truth, that accepting Christ will make your life worse that it was before, in the sense that the Devil will now come against you with everything he has to mess you up, and you need to be well grounded in God's Word to stand against him. Following Jesus might even cost you your life on this earth, but He promises a greater life in the hereafter.
We have a duty to share the Gospel with the lost, and to do it often. We must engage this lost culture even if it means we incur injury or even death. If the Church had not fallen into such apostasy and preached such a watered down Gospel, we would have abolished abortion long ago, and gay marriage would not be such an issue today. Those within the Church would have truly departed from their iniquities, and the true Chruch would be much larger than it is today.
Matt 7:21-27 - It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, and in your name have cast out demons, and have done many mighty works in your name?' 23And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.' 24Everyone therefore who hears these my words, and does them, will be likened to the wise man who built his house on solid rock. 25And the rain descended and the floods came and the wind blew, and they rushed against the house and it did not fall, for its foundation was laid on solid rock. 26And everyone who hears these my words, but does not practice them, will be likened to the foolish man who built his house on sand. 27And the rain descended and the floods came, and the wind blew, and they rushed against that house, and it fell, and its fall was great."
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Friday, June 12, 2015
Being More Like Jesus - How The Church Must Change When Dealing With Homosexuality
I have been aware of the radical homosexual lobby for a long time, but it wasn't till this year that I now understand some things about them that I never knew before. Trolling through some of their facebook pages this morning, reading some of their comments, left me with such an empty feeling in my heart as the voice of God spoke to me very clearly saying, "see how sad, how hardened, and how deceived these people are".
As I pondered it over some more it became apparent to me that these people are under the control of the Demonic Realm, that Satan has blinded their eye's and their hearts so they cannot hear or understand the truth of the Gospel. Their twisted view of Jesus, and what love is has been so often repeated that they have memorized the Devil's Mantra well.
How can the Church in America which has spent countless years shunning, and shaming them for their behavior now turn around and win them to Christ? Their view of Christianity is not a positive one at all, in fact, there are many of them in the LGBT community that are all out bitter against anything to we with Jesus Christ, Church, or Christianity.
One of them told me online that their members are so sick of being shamed and made to feel like second-rate citizens by those who are supposed to be all about love, that there is a great distrust of people. They view the liberal religious people in the more orthodox Churches to be real Christians because these people accept them as they are and accept their homosexual behavior too.
Of course, we know that true followers of Jesus can never accept homosexual behavior as being normal, or good, but we must stand with the Word of God and call in what God calls it, sin. They are right when they say that Jesus would not condemn them, and would show them love, but Jesus would also tell them to repent and come follow him.
We see two good examples to women in the Bible who were both adulteresses, and both has an encounter with Jesus. One was caught in the sexual act of adultery and dragged before Jesus by the Pharisees, the other ran into Jesus at the well as she was preparing to draw up water. Jesus told the first woman that her sins were forgiven her, go and sin no more, and the other woman Jesus told her to drink the water he would give her (living water), and she would never thirst again.
Jesus in both cases forgave them their sins and they both went away astounded I am sure but grateful that Jesus has compassion on them, when he could have opened up the ground beneath them and swallowed them alive. Jesus showed sinners incredible mercy, and at the same time never excused their sin, but told them to stop sinning. Jesus still shows the sinner mercy and invites them to stop sinning, and change their ways.
It's unfortunate that the modern day Church has not followed Jesus example but struck out in anger against those who cause them to feel threatened. Christian view the radical homosexuals as being predators, looking to destroy everything in their path, and while there is a some truth to that, the Christian Church in America has largely failed to reach this segment of the population. We have spent more time pushing them away when Jesus would enfold them with grace, and show them love while telling them they need to change.
The Church has also hemorrhaged a ton of young people over the years and failed to reach the younger generations for Christ, or to reclaim them for Christ. This is because the Christians in the Churches are stuck in their religious traditions and won't change to meet the needs to the younger generations. I remember my teen years in youth group with a youth pastor that hated the new Christian music we were all into. He called it questionable music and spent more time alienating us, than teaching us anything substantial.
My Pastor has stated that "the Churches need to change their methodology, but not the message". When it comes to reaching the homosexuals with the Gospel, we really need to change our ways. Are we just going to stand by and let countless thousands go into a Christless eternity? Or are we going to do what is necessary to welcome the people into our Churches so they can hear the Gospel and change? I never said compromises the message, or accept their behavior as normal, I said let them come into the Church so they can have a chance to change.
We must speak and warn sinners about impending judgment, but we must do it in a loving manner that does not chase them away. oftentimes using the Moral Law of God, the Ten Commandments works, because we have to get them lost before we can get them found. Sinners will respond to a gentle word spoken in a loving manner versus Hell Fire and Brimstone.
I also believe that Christians must fervently pray for the people in the gay community, that their spiritual eyes and ears might be opened by the Holy Spirit that they might understand the truth, and be saved.
As I pondered it over some more it became apparent to me that these people are under the control of the Demonic Realm, that Satan has blinded their eye's and their hearts so they cannot hear or understand the truth of the Gospel. Their twisted view of Jesus, and what love is has been so often repeated that they have memorized the Devil's Mantra well.
How can the Church in America which has spent countless years shunning, and shaming them for their behavior now turn around and win them to Christ? Their view of Christianity is not a positive one at all, in fact, there are many of them in the LGBT community that are all out bitter against anything to we with Jesus Christ, Church, or Christianity.
One of them told me online that their members are so sick of being shamed and made to feel like second-rate citizens by those who are supposed to be all about love, that there is a great distrust of people. They view the liberal religious people in the more orthodox Churches to be real Christians because these people accept them as they are and accept their homosexual behavior too.
Of course, we know that true followers of Jesus can never accept homosexual behavior as being normal, or good, but we must stand with the Word of God and call in what God calls it, sin. They are right when they say that Jesus would not condemn them, and would show them love, but Jesus would also tell them to repent and come follow him.
We see two good examples to women in the Bible who were both adulteresses, and both has an encounter with Jesus. One was caught in the sexual act of adultery and dragged before Jesus by the Pharisees, the other ran into Jesus at the well as she was preparing to draw up water. Jesus told the first woman that her sins were forgiven her, go and sin no more, and the other woman Jesus told her to drink the water he would give her (living water), and she would never thirst again.
Jesus in both cases forgave them their sins and they both went away astounded I am sure but grateful that Jesus has compassion on them, when he could have opened up the ground beneath them and swallowed them alive. Jesus showed sinners incredible mercy, and at the same time never excused their sin, but told them to stop sinning. Jesus still shows the sinner mercy and invites them to stop sinning, and change their ways.
It's unfortunate that the modern day Church has not followed Jesus example but struck out in anger against those who cause them to feel threatened. Christian view the radical homosexuals as being predators, looking to destroy everything in their path, and while there is a some truth to that, the Christian Church in America has largely failed to reach this segment of the population. We have spent more time pushing them away when Jesus would enfold them with grace, and show them love while telling them they need to change.
The Church has also hemorrhaged a ton of young people over the years and failed to reach the younger generations for Christ, or to reclaim them for Christ. This is because the Christians in the Churches are stuck in their religious traditions and won't change to meet the needs to the younger generations. I remember my teen years in youth group with a youth pastor that hated the new Christian music we were all into. He called it questionable music and spent more time alienating us, than teaching us anything substantial.
My Pastor has stated that "the Churches need to change their methodology, but not the message". When it comes to reaching the homosexuals with the Gospel, we really need to change our ways. Are we just going to stand by and let countless thousands go into a Christless eternity? Or are we going to do what is necessary to welcome the people into our Churches so they can hear the Gospel and change? I never said compromises the message, or accept their behavior as normal, I said let them come into the Church so they can have a chance to change.
We must speak and warn sinners about impending judgment, but we must do it in a loving manner that does not chase them away. oftentimes using the Moral Law of God, the Ten Commandments works, because we have to get them lost before we can get them found. Sinners will respond to a gentle word spoken in a loving manner versus Hell Fire and Brimstone.
I also believe that Christians must fervently pray for the people in the gay community, that their spiritual eyes and ears might be opened by the Holy Spirit that they might understand the truth, and be saved.
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There is power in the name of Jesus; Use Properly.
end times,
Epistle to the Romans,
Holy Spirit,
last day's,
Ten Commandments
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Attention Church: Grow Some Spiritual Balls!
Upset about the idea of "Gay Marriage"?
How about abortion?
Obama who would be King?
The Sex-Trade (Slavery/Porn)?
Hollywood's Filthy TV Shows & Movies?
Rampaging Black's destroying other peoples property?
Occupy Wall Street / Entitlement Mentality
etc? etc? etc?
Do these things at least concern you, if not make you angry?
We've all heard of the slippery slope our nation was headed down, and most Christian tucked their heads in the sand while society went straight to Hell, almost literally. Our nations moral values that once held society in tact are now eroded to the point where the underpinnings, or foundation is crumbling beneath our very feet.
How about abortion?
Obama who would be King?
The Sex-Trade (Slavery/Porn)?
Hollywood's Filthy TV Shows & Movies?
Rampaging Black's destroying other peoples property?
Occupy Wall Street / Entitlement Mentality
etc? etc? etc?
Do these things at least concern you, if not make you angry?
We've all heard of the slippery slope our nation was headed down, and most Christian tucked their heads in the sand while society went straight to Hell, almost literally. Our nations moral values that once held society in tact are now eroded to the point where the underpinnings, or foundation is crumbling beneath our very feet.
The Scripture warns us in Psalms 11:3 "If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?"
If the moral and spiritual foundation upon which our nation was founded are destroyed, what remedy do we have? If the salt and light of the Church loses all of it's flavor, and light of the Gospel is snuffed out, what are we going to do?
Evil is our society is running rampant because too many professing Christians have not taken a public stand for righteousness, and so evil has succeeded in entrenching itself so deep, that it seems we have no way to counter it, so most Christians do what they have done for most of the last century which is too huddle in their safe little Christian circles, and wait for the rapture to take them away.
This is not what God wanted of his Church! We are too be salting the culture with Biblical Truth and Righteousness. We are too be witnessing to the lost, sharing the truth in love, and leading them to Christ. Every follower of Jesus is in fact an evangelist, who is given the charge to preach the Gospel, and win souls, but sadly enough only a small fraction of Christians every share their faith with anyone in their entire lifetimes.
The same small amount of active followers of Jesus are the same ones the speak out against unrighteousness, confront evil in society, and get the brunt of the persecution for their stand, why the rest of the Church is cozy and comfy in their air-conditioned, Christianized country-clubs, drinking lattes while listening to a feel-good message, then leaving the same as when they arrived. Many Churches in America have the appearance of being Bible-Preaching Churches, but lack the spiritual power that comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit actively moving in their midst.
I am not saying all Churches must change and become Charismatic, or Pentecostal. I am saying that we need to be truly Biblical in every way, not just in word, but deed also. Our nation is drawing it's last breath of freedom, as the enemies of America are pulling the plastic bag of socialism over the head & face of lady liberty. Are you waking up yet? You must stand and fight in the power of God against the demonic manifestations that are taking us down, further every day.
The Church must rise, and by that I mean in the Power of the Holy Spirit against all ungodliness in this nation. By rising I mean humbling ourselves before God, asking him to cleanse our hearts, and our hands, that we might be pure before him, and able to be mightily used by Him. Failure to humble ourselves now will result in Christians in this nation being persecuted as we can't even imagine, not unlike our brothers and sisters in Communist China, or some other nation that is hostile to the Gospel.
If you think that it cannot happen here you better reconsider your opinion, because it can and will happen here, unless the Lord sees fit to come and take away his Bride, but then again 50% of you that fill the pews week too week are not truly born-again. If you have no desire to reach the lost, study God's Word, Pray in the Power of the Spirit, you better examine yourself to see if your really saved or not.
Those of you who are saved better grow a pair in a hurry because crunch time has arrived, and all Hell is breaking loose in this nation while the luke-warm faithful continue to sleep in the light. Come our from your dead Christianity and obey the Word of God! Come out from your daily routine of having daily devotions, and getting little from it, if anything! Reading God's Word and agreeing with what it says, then not acting upon it is sinful in itself.
It's time for the Church to change, it's time for the Church to Grow Some Spiritual Balls!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
False Fire v.s. Real Fire
God spoke to me today about a very important subject that is going to make a whole lot of Church-goers angry. The Holy Spirit spoke in His still small voice and said to me write about this -"False Fire", the false manufactured excitement in place of an actual move of the Spirit of God. Mainly, because the Spirit of God is not present, and working in many local Churches today. They lack the Power of God while having the appearance of being Christian.
They serve in their communities, reaching out to the lost, they may even see a few Salvation's over time, but still there is an overall apathy among the people because their hearts are divided between the things of this world, and the things of God. They don't read their Bibles, they don't pray as they ought too, and then they wonder why they never hear from God.
Speaking of False Fire, I came across a common practice in many Charismatic/Pentecostal Churches where they hold classes too teach people how to speak in tongues. Excuse me, but if the gift of tongues is truly a gift from the Holy Spirit of God, why in the world would anyone have to take a class to learn how to speak in tongues? I'll tell you why? False Fire!
If the Spirit of God was really moving as they believe He is, these people would automatically begin to speak in another known language, but because they can't always count on God to come through and produce this when they desire it too happen, they will teach you how to form the syllables, and put them together properly, so you can speak in tongues, and appear to be as Holy as every one else they have taught to do the same thing.
Talk about Holy Smoke and Mirrors!
If we took a hard enough look the Charismatics and Pentecostals are as spiritually apathetic as their tamer counterparts in the mainline Evangelical Churches are. Ask the average Church member when the last time they shared their faith with someone outside of their Church? Or When was they last time to led someone to Christ? The answer will not be a good one, in fact most Evangelicals and Protestants have never witnessed to an unbeliever, nor led anyone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in their entire lives.
OH but they have spoken in tongues! They have been baptized in the Holy Ghost! They believe they are going to Heaven someday, yet have never obeyed God's Word to preach the Gospel to the lost, let alone ever gone out and stood in front of an abortion clinic and tried to save the life of a pre-born child, and save the mothers from becoming murderers in the site of God.
The Bibles declares that obedience is better than sacrifice. We are eager to make a sacrifice of worship and praise to God, but too share our faith with a neighbor, or a co-worker? Christians today are afraid of what other people will think of us if we tell them that we are Christians, and share the Gospel with them. Are we afraid to offend people?
Wouldn't it be much better to have offended someone in order to share Christ with them, and call them to repentance before God, rather than never confront them with the truth, and someday watch as they are tossed into the fires of God's anger and wrath?
Do we not realize that we are responsible for rebuking and reproofing others who are sinning? If we do not do so, their blood will be on our hands on the day of judgement. In other words, we will be held responsible to their eternal demise. This is not a pretty picture!
I've seen many Churches where the leadership must constantly devise new ways to keep people pumped up, and excited about Church, so they will keep coming week after week. Again this is because the majority of the Churches in America lack the true Power of God moving and working in them. This may be because they Pastor does not spend enough time in prayer himself, or is just so busy he does not have time to slow down long enough too develop a true hunger for God himself.
We know that many Church-goers are lazy and apathetic when it comes to the true spiritual things of God. There seems too be a lack of true hunger and thirst for God amongst many Christians, and this is issue. The Pastors are cowards who won't speak out about certain issues that they ought to be addressing from their pulpits (hell, judgment, sin, The Churches are full of spiritually powerless people being led by spiritually powerless preachers too afraid to preach the truth for fear of losing their jobs, their pensions, etc.
What we need in our Churches in America is the people to wake up spiritually, get a hunger for God, allow God to break their hearts for what breaks His, so they will begin to beg God to send them true revival. Revival begins in the heart of a single believer, or small group of believers who are willing to step out in faith, allow God to prune them, and break them so that they become extremely sensitive to the voice of the Spirit of God, and are ready to embrace His move.
We need to quench the false fire, and allow the real fire of the Spirit of God to come manifest itself in our lives, and watch it spill out into the local Churches, and revival breaks out! Quit creating false excitement in the Church and start cultivating the real fire of God. Bring back the Power of God into the Churches that we might reap a harvest in these very last days.
Revival is a wild fire that spreads like a forest fire, consuming everything it's path, as the wind of the spirit blows it in the direction God wants it too go. Revival is not a bunch of people running around and screaming in weird tongues, dancing, shouting, barking like dogs, etc. Revival is God's people who have been broken, on theirs faces before God in all humility, begging God to move in their midst. Dear Lord Send us Revival!
Revival requires us too have desperation of heart and soul, we must have a spiritual hunger for God and His Word, spending time in prayer, talking with God, being intimate with Him in a honest relationship, day by day. Just as a man who has been walking through the hot dry desert longs for a drink of cool clear water, so we should long for a drink of the Spirit of God.
Hungering and Thirsting for God and His Righteousness is the state that every Christian should be in, but sadly very few are. Is this what God meant when he said "and few there be that find it"? We know that few actually seek after him, and this leads me too believe that the possibility exists that the larger portion of the Church may be unsaved, the religiously lost with a false sense of security.
That would be just like Satan to trick masses of well meaning Church people into believing they are going to Heaven, when they are actually going to Hell. If we remain content with false fire in our lives, and in our Churches, we will never see a move of God in this nation again.
Let us examine ourselves to be sure that we are truly in the faith, and that we are pure in heart before God, with no known sin on our conscious. Let us request of the Lord that he prune from our lives the dead branches that are choking out the work of His Spirit, so that we start to produce good healthy fruit for His Kingdom.
They serve in their communities, reaching out to the lost, they may even see a few Salvation's over time, but still there is an overall apathy among the people because their hearts are divided between the things of this world, and the things of God. They don't read their Bibles, they don't pray as they ought too, and then they wonder why they never hear from God.
Speaking of False Fire, I came across a common practice in many Charismatic/Pentecostal Churches where they hold classes too teach people how to speak in tongues. Excuse me, but if the gift of tongues is truly a gift from the Holy Spirit of God, why in the world would anyone have to take a class to learn how to speak in tongues? I'll tell you why? False Fire!
If the Spirit of God was really moving as they believe He is, these people would automatically begin to speak in another known language, but because they can't always count on God to come through and produce this when they desire it too happen, they will teach you how to form the syllables, and put them together properly, so you can speak in tongues, and appear to be as Holy as every one else they have taught to do the same thing.
Talk about Holy Smoke and Mirrors!
If we took a hard enough look the Charismatics and Pentecostals are as spiritually apathetic as their tamer counterparts in the mainline Evangelical Churches are. Ask the average Church member when the last time they shared their faith with someone outside of their Church? Or When was they last time to led someone to Christ? The answer will not be a good one, in fact most Evangelicals and Protestants have never witnessed to an unbeliever, nor led anyone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in their entire lives.
OH but they have spoken in tongues! They have been baptized in the Holy Ghost! They believe they are going to Heaven someday, yet have never obeyed God's Word to preach the Gospel to the lost, let alone ever gone out and stood in front of an abortion clinic and tried to save the life of a pre-born child, and save the mothers from becoming murderers in the site of God.
The Bibles declares that obedience is better than sacrifice. We are eager to make a sacrifice of worship and praise to God, but too share our faith with a neighbor, or a co-worker? Christians today are afraid of what other people will think of us if we tell them that we are Christians, and share the Gospel with them. Are we afraid to offend people?
Wouldn't it be much better to have offended someone in order to share Christ with them, and call them to repentance before God, rather than never confront them with the truth, and someday watch as they are tossed into the fires of God's anger and wrath?
Do we not realize that we are responsible for rebuking and reproofing others who are sinning? If we do not do so, their blood will be on our hands on the day of judgement. In other words, we will be held responsible to their eternal demise. This is not a pretty picture!
I've seen many Churches where the leadership must constantly devise new ways to keep people pumped up, and excited about Church, so they will keep coming week after week. Again this is because the majority of the Churches in America lack the true Power of God moving and working in them. This may be because they Pastor does not spend enough time in prayer himself, or is just so busy he does not have time to slow down long enough too develop a true hunger for God himself.
We know that many Church-goers are lazy and apathetic when it comes to the true spiritual things of God. There seems too be a lack of true hunger and thirst for God amongst many Christians, and this is issue. The Pastors are cowards who won't speak out about certain issues that they ought to be addressing from their pulpits (hell, judgment, sin, The Churches are full of spiritually powerless people being led by spiritually powerless preachers too afraid to preach the truth for fear of losing their jobs, their pensions, etc.
What we need in our Churches in America is the people to wake up spiritually, get a hunger for God, allow God to break their hearts for what breaks His, so they will begin to beg God to send them true revival. Revival begins in the heart of a single believer, or small group of believers who are willing to step out in faith, allow God to prune them, and break them so that they become extremely sensitive to the voice of the Spirit of God, and are ready to embrace His move.
We need to quench the false fire, and allow the real fire of the Spirit of God to come manifest itself in our lives, and watch it spill out into the local Churches, and revival breaks out! Quit creating false excitement in the Church and start cultivating the real fire of God. Bring back the Power of God into the Churches that we might reap a harvest in these very last days.
Revival is a wild fire that spreads like a forest fire, consuming everything it's path, as the wind of the spirit blows it in the direction God wants it too go. Revival is not a bunch of people running around and screaming in weird tongues, dancing, shouting, barking like dogs, etc. Revival is God's people who have been broken, on theirs faces before God in all humility, begging God to move in their midst. Dear Lord Send us Revival!
Revival requires us too have desperation of heart and soul, we must have a spiritual hunger for God and His Word, spending time in prayer, talking with God, being intimate with Him in a honest relationship, day by day. Just as a man who has been walking through the hot dry desert longs for a drink of cool clear water, so we should long for a drink of the Spirit of God.
Hungering and Thirsting for God and His Righteousness is the state that every Christian should be in, but sadly very few are. Is this what God meant when he said "and few there be that find it"? We know that few actually seek after him, and this leads me too believe that the possibility exists that the larger portion of the Church may be unsaved, the religiously lost with a false sense of security.
That would be just like Satan to trick masses of well meaning Church people into believing they are going to Heaven, when they are actually going to Hell. If we remain content with false fire in our lives, and in our Churches, we will never see a move of God in this nation again.
Let us examine ourselves to be sure that we are truly in the faith, and that we are pure in heart before God, with no known sin on our conscious. Let us request of the Lord that he prune from our lives the dead branches that are choking out the work of His Spirit, so that we start to produce good healthy fruit for His Kingdom.
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